Thursday, September 4, 2008

Summer is coming to an end and we can't wait for the holidays!! The girls have already convinced me to put Christmas music in the car (which if you know me that isn't hard to do lol). Haley is back in Ballet and we are still working on keeping her legs straight and that running on your tippy-toes does not mean jumping.... Maddy has her first soccer game Saturday so we shall see how that goes. We LOVE her new teacher and I think her new school will help her thrive and develop to her up most potential. My first soccer game is tomorrow night and I haven't been running so I'm sure the line won't be long for autographs after..... lol. Felipe works every Friday night so at least I get to save some face there but Alden is already asking to go : ( We had a great weekend with extended family in town, and Dad did a GREAT job of filling my need for grilled carne.. Spot has gotten worse... he has figured out how to dig his way out of the yard now and he thinks it's a game. Hope he's better at dodging the cars this time...

It's hard for me to face that my babies are growing up : ( Haley had her first haircut last night and I felt like a dork taking pictures before during and after. We are trying to live a simpler life and that included me cutting her hair at home, which did come out almost straight lol. Needles to say life is good, The girls are good, God is good, and I am happy. Oh and THE HOUSE IS CLEAN!!!!! YAYAYAY!! Thanks for checking in on us!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Hattan Girls

Hello! This has been a crazy summer so far, Madalyn is now 7 and Haley is 3. Madalyn is in the middle of a Hannah Montana craze and every shirt, TV show, CD, balloon, etc is Hannah Montana (sigh). Haley is wanting to be just like big sis but loses interest very quickly and reverts back to her barbies. I know its hard to believe but she actually plays with some of my old barbies with her new ones and let me tell ya, its easy to pick out the old I'm still working at the ER in Flower Mound and loving it!! We just moved into my dads rent house last month and I am very excited about Maddy's new school and the area. Spot is doing great as well and has pretty much completely recovered from his accident. He is enjoying his new live in play mate Wallace. I have to admit I am madly in love with this dog he is hysterical!! We have 2 bunnies that live in our yard and come out at night and Wallace tries to attack them through the front window its so funny to watch him jump into the glass hahaha. The house has been crazy as usual it seems like I cant keep up with laundry, dishes, toys, etc but we taking it one day at a time and Felipe is amazing at helping out and keeping me grounded. Our goals for the month are: Me, better time management! the girls, less fighting and more helping around the house! Maddy, less provoking of sister fights! Haley, less whining (I keep telling her we don't speak whinnese but she doesn't laugh) and all of us, more quality time at home together! Spot, to stop eating our panties!!!!! lol thanks for checking in on us!!

-Lots of love!
Heather, Madalyn, Haley